Homeopathic Therapeutics by Samuel Lilienthal
Arranged by ailments, this substantial work lists characteristic symptoms of individual remedies relating to the specific condition. Remedies found to have particular affinities to the disease are highlighted, along with strong keynotes.
The publisher:
Based on the earlier work found in Volume-l of Jahr's Manual, this work has been updated by one of the grand old prescribers. It is a listing of "conditions" and a remedy differential. For example, the listing of APHONIA (loss of voice) is followed by a detailed description of 31 remedies from Aconite to Sulphur - all of which have that particular symptom. Said Charles Gatchell in a review, "...it is an extraordinarily useful book and those who add it to their library will never feel regret..."
As we look back over all the therapeutics books ever written this one was probably, the best. In a review, Samuel A. Jones said, "For the fresh graduate this book will be invaluable... to the older one who says he has no use for this book, we have nothing to say. He is a good one to avoid when well, and to dread when ill."