Homeopathic Remedies for the Stages of Life
By Didier Grandgeorge
Infancy, Childhood, and Beyond
As with most of Grandgeorge's books, this is a well written, easy and fun to read book, which is the result of a lifetime's clinical observations from his busy practice. Displaying a deep, intimate knowledge of remedies, Grandgeorge invites us to a voyage through the whole life span and to look at remedies and at their actions from a different and sometimes surprising perspective. This book is more for the seasoned homeopath than for the beginner.
The publisher:
This book explains each of the successive phases of life, referencing common physical and psychological symptoms and their homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic Remedies for the Stages of Life provides practical and illustrated case histories of former patients, insights into child development, and the workings of the human psyche.
Author Biography:
Having dedicated most of his working life to the treatment of children, Dr. Didier Grandgeorge is Director of Clinical Training at the Faculty of Medicine in Marseille, France. Dr. Grandgeorge is one of the founders of the Hahnemannian School in Provence, France, and is editor of L'Homeopathie Exactement, the school's ongoing series of research publications, now in four volumes. He lives in Marseille with his wife and three children.
Didier Grandgeorge, M.D., has a refreshing writing style that clearly and delightfully encapsulates the stages of life from the womb to the tomb. He enlivens the book with short vignettes of life and remedies that are rich in puns, insights, and practical value. He displays how homeopaths think and feel about people, making it a great book for everyone.
- Francis Treuherz, M.A., RSHom, FSHom