A Brief Study Course in Homeopathy

A Brief Study Course in Homeopathy


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By Dr. Elizabeth Wright

A book particularly worth reading for a good introduction to homeopathy. Using brief but easy-to-remember explanations, the author conveys valuable basic knowledge.

The publisher:

This compilation of articles covers the author's method of taking the case evaluation of symptoms, and repertorisation. The author has included all the key aspects of homeopathic philosophy and prescribing. The books will prove very handy for all students of homeopathy as a quick revision before exams an at the same time will serve as a ready reference for busy practitioners. In short it covers the theoretical as well as practical knowledge related to the art c homeopathy. A quick revision of the basic principles of homeopathy for student and practitioners alike.

Ø       Comprehensive yet brief

Ø       Handy tips to study Materia Medica

Ø       "Dangers of homeopathic prescribing" lists important mistakes commonly done by practitioners

Ø       A chapter on importance of dietetic advice included

Ø       References given for further study in Materia Medica and Philosophy

Commentary by Historian Julian Winston:
Prepared by Alain Naude from a number of papers left by Dr. Hubbard, this small work remains a concise description of the theory and practice of Homeopathy.